Robert Baramov

2014 The Ugly Duckling

Recent decades I have been watching the  political changes in the state with a certain detachment. I came to the conclusion that there are two enduring factors influencing openly or behind the curtains almost all governmental processes. Muslim minorities who are the result of longtime presence of Bulgaria within the Ottoman Empire until the last decades of the 19th century and the significant influence of specific trained staff of former State Security of the years of totalitarianism. The "Creating a new subject in Bulgarian political space" symbolically documents continuous regeneration of local political chimera, which was resurrected cloned individuals.In the story of the ugly duckling genetic nature is hidden, but over time becomes visible. In my parallel  to real life I reason over the attempts to disguise cosmetically the natural essence of authority on the one hand and on the other hand the manipulation of the masses with the aim of controling all the important sectors of society .The new a political subject has its own genealogy, history of transformation / repainting and successfully creates the illusion of a happy ending. I turned to the authorities with a request for accrediting my character under the officially established order by issuing official documents. This task it turned out almost impossible, so in the spirit of the character, I decided to fake his identity.