Robert Baramov

2020 Video performance TAKING SPACE within project T.I.S.I. (Temporary Interventions with Sustainable Impact)

Taking space
The dynamics of contemporary society naturally supports innovative approaches for improving the quality of life in all areas. As a consequence of the globalization processes, bases for work in international teams and consortia for transfer of experience and sharing of technological, economic and cultural information have been established. The temporary intervention of Kamen Stoyanov and Katerina Svoboda is developing within the T.I.S.I. (Temporary Interventions with Sustainable Impact) funded by the international consortium DESIGNSCAPES "Capacity Building for Design-Based Innovation in the Urban Environment", Horizon 2020 program. The artistic interventions of Kamen and Katerina show video and photo documentation from their projects on current topics of the urban environments abroad and the role of cultural initiatives to draw the attention of society and local authorities to the necessary steps for better urban planning. In coordination with the TISI (Temporary Interventions for Sustainable Impact) Team, the artists opened a space with opportunities for an alternative cultural function in the pedestrian overpasses above Vasil Levski Blvd. The place for connection between the divided neighborhoods in this part of Varna becomes a kind of observation post and communication center for communication between professional guilds, social structures, local, state authorities and non-governmental organizations from Bulgaria and abroad. The artistic intervention offers a prototype compatible with the design tools of DESIGNSCAPES for synchronized actions in society, which follows a certain organizational model.
For urban planning actions it is necessary first of all to localize the challenges and opportunities and to study the public reaction to the context. The sensitivity of artists and cultural operators reacts to unresolved problems in the urban environment, and their active reaction opens discussions on social networks, attracts attention to the broad coverage of the matter in the media. This adds to the literal interpretation of the topic of connectivity through the details of urban infrastructure, the priority of the parallel link between professional guilds, NGOs and local authorities that have the knowledge or power to propose solutions.
Video documentation of Kamen Stoyanov from his projects "Up and through". "Noise Trial" and "Synchronization" atmosphere in which members of the TISI team and artists exchange information about the situation in the neighborhood and the points of action required by citizens in sync with local government officials.
Katerina Svoboda interprets the theme of connectivity through performance and workshop with colleagues and citizens, drawing inspiration from the story of the name of the Confu district, born in the period when this dance was most relevant and practiced in many studios, youth dance halls and entertainment establishments. The dense construction in the neighborhood leads to the association with the proximity of touch, characteristic of Confucian dance, the need for physical contact and primitive human communication today, in the conditions of the crown virus and a society that is increasingly virtualized. The artistic team seeks feedback from the public on the idea of ​​a sustainable, alternative cultural function of facilities in the urban environment such as the pedestrian overpass over Levski Boulevard and sees in this space the potential for periodic meetings, exhibitions, discussions and events that offer citizens natural occasions for communication. The event ends with an impromptu closing party, in which participants receive planned instructions from the artists and participate in a cultural debate on issues that arose during the project.
CONCEPT for temporary artistic interventions
The temporary interventions offer a prototype for coordinated interaction between professional guilds, non-governmental organizations, citizens, artists and representatives of local and state authorities. In this prototype, the team of artists (synchronized with architects and urban planners) locate problems or alternative potential of the urban environment and use cultural techniques to activate the media, provoke debate and public reaction. In coordination with the experts, design tools are applied and adapted to study the perceptions of citizens and synchronize actions with state and local authorities in search of better urban planning. The obtained results of analyzes and research are coordinated between urban planners and architects (housing design, public buildings and landscape) with experts in the municipal and state administration, as a result of which the society receives a better living environment and public spaces.